{1st Ultrasound}

1:05 PM

I was 12 weeks at the time of my first ultrasound. I've never had one that early on. But due to all the problems we had last time they decided to give me one early and make sure there was only one little bean in there and that he or she was growing properly so far.

As the tech laid me back and the cold jelly was placed on my stomach I had flashbacks of being in Miami hospital with the boys and having my daily ultrasounds.. I remember the feeling of holding my breath until I saw those two hearts beating. And then to the day that I only saw one. The fear of it all happening again is so real. 
The tech scanned my belly and saw one little beating heart and only one tiny little bean! A sigh of relief. 
It is too early to tell any abnormalities or issues. But seeing this tiny miracle inside of me was so precious. And so special. I know I have faith I just have to dig deep and believe that God is still in control. 

My next ultrasound is in 28 days! We will then fin out the sex. Yay!

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