Owen and Quinn together again

11:11 AM

It's been 6 days since Owen was born and 4 days since we said goodbye to him. It was in fact the hardest thing I've ever had to do. All the plans and dreams I had for him are gone..the nursery just sits. It's heart breaking.
Owen was a strong little fighter he truly lived up to his name. He was so precious.. His image is constantly on replay in my mind. I saw my little man for not long but he's forever in my heart.
His body was swelling from his failing kidneys and his heart was beating only because of a machine. When we made the decision to take him off the ventilator there was no doubt in my mind that it was the right choice. The hardest choice? Yes.. But the right one. He took one little breath and was gone. He's with his brother now I'm sure they are causing chaos in heaven some where. I take heart in knowing I will see them again soon in heaven.
This journey has been a long one that has brought me to my knees but sometimes that's where you need to end up. Possibly the hardest part in all this was watching my husbands pain..I never loved a man so much that to see him hurt only intensified the pain I already felt. He is my rock.
I find myself watching Drake run and play and just thanking God for his every breath. Life is so very fragile and in all this I've learned to appreciate it.

This journey hasn't been all In vain. I have met some of the greatest people and moms out there .. We've had people from Russia, Australia, the UK, Canada and New Zealand praying for us and even people who can relate and have found hope in mine and Michael's strength. I believe Owen and Quinn had a purpose they just fulfilled it without having to be on this earth long.
The nurses at South Miami and Miami children's have been so wonderful.. They genuinely cared and were so good to us, I believe I can call most of them friends.
My Doctor, Dr. Salinger..possibly one of the kindest doctors I've ever met who is honest and upfront. He never gave up on us and made our rare case seem conquerable. We appreciate him so very much.
Thank you everyone for your prayers each one was heard.

Michael, Lauren & Drake

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